North Side Kids
Children's MinistryWelcome to NSK!
Our Children’s Ministry offers in-person service and online access to weekly Bible lessons that are fun and engage children in the word of God in practical ways.
Just scroll down the page for pre-school, elementary, and pre-teen content.
We encourage you to share these with your children in addition to any bible study and family time you would normally have. Stay tuned for special event announcements for kids and parents.
We pray the resources below will add value to your parenting experience as you disciple and lead your children to a growing relationship with Christ while growing as parents. What you do MATTERS!
Service Times
9:00 am on Sundays
Nursery-5th grade.
*Check-in & Registration (1st time guests) begins at 8:30 am
Our Purpose
Our Children’s Ministry seeks to bring children into age-appropriate worship where they can belong to a community of faith, grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, and then go share Christ in the world!
North Side Kids uses the secure Planning Center Checkin system
Well Child Policy
We ask that you keep your kiddo home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours:
- Fever of 99.5 degrees or above
- Skin rashes that have not been treated by a physician
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Eye Infection or discharge
- Severe or persistent coughing
- Severe head or common cold ( yellow or green mucus from eyes or nose)
- Lice (any stage)
The health and safety of every single child are of high priority to us. We take great precautions to ensure the best possible experience for your child and we thank you for partnering with us to provide this quality experience.
February – Week 1
Weekly Lessons Below.
We provide children’s ministry for the following school-age groups:
current Series | pre-k

Watch This!
One common phrase we hear children repeat is, “Watch this!” They want us to watch their spins and cartwheels,
their dance routines, and what their toys can do. It’s fun to pretend to be amazed and say, “Wow,” no matter what it is. This month, we are teaching our preschoolers to watch the One who can do anything. The One who has shown that the power of the Lord is with Him. Who is this One? Jesus, of course! Yes, this month is all about Jesus and how Jesus can do anything!
current series | K-5

Cast Crew!
Cooperation isn’t always something that may happen naturally, but it is something that is near and dear to God’s heart. Since the beginning of creation we see how God created us to be in community with one another. Cooperation is a spiritual concept that originates with God, and throughout the Bible, we see how God brought people together to accomplish God’s plan for the world. When we work together, we reflect Jesus to others, and our love for one another can point people to Him as we explore what God wants us to do together.
Jesus and His Follower
Luke 5:1-11, 27-32; 6:12-16; 8:1-3
Key Question: When have you seen people work together?
Bottom Line: Jesus wants us to work
Joshua Wins the Battle Over
the Amalekites
Exodus 17:8-13
Key Question: Who do you work well with?
Bottom Line: Work together to help someone succeed.
Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls
Nehemiah 1–4; 6:15
Key Question: How has someone helped you solve problems?
Bottom Line: Work together to solve
WEEK 4/5
Four Friends Work Together/One Body, Many Parts
Luke 5:17-26/1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Key Question: How can you work together to help someone?/What part can you play?
Bottom Line: Work together to help someone./Work together to point people
to Jesus.