Support Groups
Kay’s way™ Grief and loss
Kay aimed for balance in everything. She would want those who grieve to reconcile their loss, move forward, enjoying, exploring, loving and living the precious gift we have been given called LIFE. That’s just KAY’S WAY™.
Current Sessions:
We now offer Kay’s Way™ online in 2 forms:
- Kay’s Way™ Grief and Loss Support Group: Zoom Edition. Dedicated 6-week curriculum-based support group to help navigate grief & loss survivor’s through the journey of recovery. Current Session: April 15 – May 20 @ 6:00 pm. Register below for 6-week program.
- Kay’s Way™ Cares – Ongoing grief and loss support forum for alumni of our Kay’s Way Support group. This group meets biweekly on Zoom. Email us at to be added to the list.

About Grief and Loss
All of us like to be in control of our lives and that’s one of the reasons why loss is hard on us – for it means death (either literally or symbolically) and we feel, and usually are, totally out of control of the situation.
Some situations we cannot stop. Physical death, terminal and debilitating illnesses do not change, nor does the pain that accompanies them. We have no choice in that we will have pain when we experience a loss, but we do have a choice as to how we will experience painful losses.
Choice one:
A living death will result when we refuse to go on with the business of living today and the tomorrow’s before us.
Choice Two:
We can make a decision to grow through our grief and gain a new understanding and perspective for the rest of our lives.
- We do not have a choice regarding grief, we will grieve.
- We do have a choice about the “how” of our grief
- We can choose to grieve openly and honestly or
- We can suppress it and carry it throughout our lifetime.
Our hope is that working through the material contained in our grief and loss support group will enable you to work through your grief rather than endure the process. Sorrow when shared, tends to be more manageable. Here you will find others who understand and are willing to share some of your burden with you.