
North Side Kids

Children's Ministry

Welcome to NSK!

Our Children’s Ministry offers in-person service and online. You can find weekly lessons that are fun, engaging, and will support parents and families to reinforce that God loves and cares for our children even in times of uncertainty.

Just scroll down the page for pre-school, elementary, and pre-teen content.

We encourage you to share these with your children in addition to any bible study and family time you would normally have. Stay tuned for special event announcements for kids and parents.


We pray the resources below will add value to your value as you disciple and lead your children to a growing relationship with Christ while growing as parents. What you do MATTERS! 

Service Times

9:00 am on Sundays

Nursery-5th grade. 

*Check-in & Registration (1st time guests) begins at 8:30 am

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to offer your children a place of wonder and discovery as they learn Biblical truths in person and in the digital space. Our goal for each weekend service is to create an environment that is both educational and entertaining. We want to capture your child’s imagination, intrigue them, and set them on a course of discovering who Christ is and who they are in relationship to Him whether they are in the building or engaging at home through our online platform.

Our Children’s Ministry seeks to bring children into age-appropriate worship where they can belong to a community of faith, grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, and then go share Christ in the world!


North Side Kids uses the secure Planning Center Checkin system

Well Child Policy

We want North Side Kids Ministry to be a safe and healthy place for our children and the volunteers who care for them.
We ask that you keep your kiddo home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours:

  • Fever of 99.5 degrees or above
  • Skin rashes that have not been treated by a physician
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Eye Infection or discharge
  • Severe or persistent coughing
  • Severe head or common cold ( yellow or green mucus from eyes or nose)
  • Lice (any stage)

The health and safety of every single child are of high priority to us. We take great precautions to ensure the best possible experience for your child and we thank you for partnering with us to provide this quality experience.

may – Week 1




Weekly lesson plans

We provide children’s ministry for the following school-age groups:

current Series | pre-k

The Little Red Wagon!

This month is all about introducing preschoolers to God – the One who loves them with a love that lasts forever. When it comes to preschoolers and what they know about God, there are a few faith skills we want to make sure they have in their little red wagon. We want every child to know that they can hear from God, pray to God, talk about God to others, and live for God. We hope they will pull these faith skills around, wherever they go, for the rest of their lives. Then they can go with confidence because they have the faith skills needed for whatever comes their way.

current series | K-5




Commitment is part of God’s nature and how God interacts with us, keeping promises and putting plans into action. God’s commitment to us is just one of the many reasons we can trust God no matter what. Because God’s promises and plans came true in Jesus, we can be with God forever. We reflect God’s character when we make a plan and stick to it. This month, we’ll help kids discover that one of the best plans they can make is to commit to an ongoing relationship with Jesus. We hope they commit to practicing their faith by reading God’s Word, praying to God honestly and consistently, talking about God with others, and living for God in how they show love throughout the everyday.


God’s Word Is a Light

Psalm 119:105

Key Question: How can you hear from God?

Bottom Line: Practice hearing from God.


The Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13

Key Question: How do you pray to God?

Bottom Line: Practice praying to God.



Peter Says That Jesus Is the

Matthew 16:13-20

Key Question: Who do you talk to about God?

Bottom Line: Practice talking about God.


The Widow’s Offering

Mark 12:41-44

Key Question: How can you live for God?

Bottom Line: Practice living for God.